Exclusive Discounts & Promotions For New Businesses

At Baseen Digital, we understand the challenges that newly registered businesses face, especially when it comes to establishing their online presence. That’s why we’re committed to supporting budding entrepreneurs by offering discounts on our web design services. We tailor our discounts to cater to different circumstances, ensuring that every entrepreneur receives the assistance they need to kickstart their online journey.

First-time Business Owner Discount

Starting a business for the first time can be daunting, which is why we offer a discounted rate to first-time business owners. Our aim is to alleviate some of the financial pressures associated with launching a new venture, allowing entrepreneurs to focus on realising their business goals.

Young Entrepreneur Discount

We believe in empowering the next generation of business leaders. That’s why we offer a special discount for owners who are younger than 30 years old. This discount recognises the ambition and drive of young entrepreneurs and aims to make quality web design services more accessible to them.

Resolute Entrepreneur Discount

Starting a new business is no small feat, especially for those who are juggling entrepreneurship with other commitments, such as a full-time job. Our Resolute Entrepreneur Discount is designed for owners who are working tirelessly on their business while balancing other responsibilities. We salute your dedication and are here to support you on your journey.

Special States Discount

As a company that values community and positivity, we’re proud to offer a discount to businesses registered in 15 US states including Georgia, Kentucky, Washington, California and more. We express our gratitude to these states by offering a special discount to businesses registered within their borders. These states hold a special place in our heart, as the warmth and kindness of its people have left a lasting impression on us. We believe in reciprocating the goodwill by supporting local businesses and contributing to their growth.

Women In Biz Discount

At Baseen Digital, we are committed to fostering diversity and inclusivity in the business world. Recognising the significant contributions of women entrepreneurs, we offer a dedicated discount for women-owned businesses. This initiative aims to empower women entrepreneurs by providing them with the necessary resources and support to thrive in their entrepreneurial endeavours.

Super Mom Discount

We recognise the incredible resilience and determination of single mothers who balance the demands of parenthood with entrepreneurship. To show our support for these inspirational individuals, we offer a special discount for businesses owned by single moms. This discount aims to alleviate some of the financial pressures faced by single parent entrepreneurs, allowing them to focus on building successful businesses while providing for their families.

Monthly Lucky Draw:

Every month, we select three lucky newly formed companies out of a pool of 130 companies in the USA through a lucky draw. These fortunate businesses have the opportunity to have a professional website built for them at a significantly reduced cost. This initiative aims to alleviate the financial burden often associated with setting up an online presence, allowing startups to focus their resources on other essential aspects of their business.

You do not need to submit an application for discounts; we assess your eligibility during our call. Discounts will be automatically applied to your invoices and included in the proposals we send to you. A maximum of three discounts is permitted per project.

Note: It’s important to note that while we are committed to assisting businesses in their online endeavours, we adhere to strict ethical guidelines. Baseen Digital does not provide discounts or services to businesses associated with gambling, addiction, nudity, drugs, or violence. We believe in fostering a digital landscape that promotes positive values and contributes positively to society.

I am still in the process of registering my company, Maybe After? Well….

Having a professional website is crucial for businesses, even during the early stages of registration. A website serves as a digital storefront, allowing potential customers to learn about your products or services and make informed decisions.

The time spent waiting for your business registration could be utilised to kickstart your online presence and begin building brand awareness. Every moment wasted is a missed opportunity to engage with your target audience and establish your business as a formidable presence in the digital sphere.

Moreover, the threat of domain snatchers looms large for businesses in their infancy. These opportunistic individuals purchase domains with the intention of reselling them at inflated prices, often targeting businesses in the midst of registration. By partnering with Baseen Digital, you can safeguard against such practices and ensure that your online identity remains secure.

Concluding Statement:

At Baseen Digital, we’re not just building websites; we’re fostering relationships, nurturing dreams, and empowering entrepreneurs to thrive in the digital landscape. If you’re a newly formed business in the USA looking to establish a strong online presence without breaking the bank, we invite you to explore our discounted web solutions and embark on your journey towards success with confidence. Contact us today and let’s build something great together!